CIS 260 - Java Programming II

Course Documentation


  1. High-Low Guessing Game (basic object programming) (due 1/28/17)
  2. Rational numbers (class concepts) (due 2/11/17)
  3. Old McDonald (object-oriented programming, polymorphism) (due 2/18/17)
  4. Two-dimensional cellular automaton (two-dimensional array, class concepts, methods) (due 2/25/17)
  5. TicTacToe (classes and objects, simple 2D array) (due 3/11/17)
  6. Dungeon explorer (linked list with generics) (due 4/8/17)
  7. Creating a maze (using linked lists and stacks) (due 4/15/17)
  8. Sort and count words (binary search tree) (due 4/22/17)
  9. Solve a maze (graph) (due 4/29/17)
  10. Koch Snowflake (mimicking recursion with a queue, multithreading) (due 5/6/17)

Alternate assignments

These are assignments which have been used in the past and are provided just in case you want some extra challenge. These assignments are not being used this semester, but may be used as alternate assignments in some cases.

  1. Calculating a volume (methods, input validation, formatted output)
  2. Calculating a trajectory (methods, input validation, formatted output)
  3. Historic inflation rate viewer (accessing binary file data)
  4. checking a BMP image file (functions, binary file I/O, dynamic memory allocation)
  5. Infix tokenizer (finite state machine, queue, associative array)
  6. Infix to postfix translator and evaluator (stack, queue)
  7. Graphical TicTacToe (GUI, class re-use) (due TBA)
  8. Calculator part I (GUI programming)
  9. Calculator part II (GUI programming, finite state machine, stack processing)


You should use the text as the primary source of your notes. The notes given here are not always in the same order and often cover details beyond what the text covers. The text book is the reference for this course.

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