CIS 260 - Infix to postfix translator and evaluator

The objectives for this assignment are to use queues and stacks to translate an infix expression into a postfix expression, and to then evaluate the postfix expression. An infix expression is one where the operator is placed in between the operands. A postfix expression is one in which the operands come first and the operator follows. Both the translation phase and the evaluation phase require a stack. Postfix expressions are quite easy to evaluate using a stack.

As this is a new assignment, it would not be surprising if it contained some errors. Let me know if you find any errors so I can correct them. I will also be available to check out your code as it develops to help debug it and get it running. Remember to run tests on your program to make sure it works. Note: To make life simpler for you, this evaluation routine does not check for division by 0. Your program should give the result: Infinity.


You will use your code from the infix translator as the starting point for this assignment. The infixQueue that was the end result of the infix assignment is the input for this assignment, so you'll just use your previous code and add to it.

Rename your program The code you have to write has two parts. The first part is the translation from infix to postfix. The second part is the evaluation of the postfix expression. Both chunks of code should be placed in sequential order just before the end of your main while loop in "public static void main(String[] args)".

Additional static class variables needed

  1. a Stack which can hold Token objects
  2. a queue (a LinkedList in this case) named postfixQueue, which can hold Token objects

Pseudocode for translation code

  1. clear the postfixQueue
  2. clear the stack
  3. while the infixQueue is not empty
    1. remove the front Token from the infixQueue and place it in a Token named itm
    2. if itm's type is Token.OPERATOR do the following:
      while (true)
         if the stack is empty, then push itm onto the stack and exit the loop
            get the precedence of the top item on the stack
            if itm's precedence is greater than the precedence of the top item on the stack
               or if the precedence's are equal and itm is NOT leftToRightAssociative then
                  push itm onto the stack and exit the loop
            otherwise pop the top Token from the stack and add it to the end of the postfixQueue
    3. otherwise, if itm's type is Token.OPERAND, then add itm to the end of the postfixQueue
    4. otherwise, if itm's type is Token.OPENPAREN, then push itm onto the stack
    5. otherwise, if itm's type is Token.CLOSEPAREN, then do the following:
      while (true) {
         pop the top Token from the stack and hold onto it
         if that Token has a type of Token.OPENPAREN, then exit this loop
         otherwise add the Token to the end of the postfixQueue
  4. while the stack is not empty, pop each remaining Token off the stack and add it to the end of the postfixQueue
  5. if (DEBUG) {
       System.out.println("Postfix queue:");
       for (int i=0; i<postfixQueue.size(); i++) System.out.printf("%2d: %s\n", (i+1), postfixQueue.get(i));

Pseudocode for evaluation code

  1. create an evaluation stack which can hold Doubles
  2. while the postfixQueue is not empty
    1. remove the Token at the front of the postfixQueue and store it in a variable named item
    2. if item's type is Token.OPERAND, then convert the data in item into a double and push it onto the evaluation stack
    3. otherwise, if item's type is Token.OPERATOR, then do the following:
      pop the top value from the evaluation stack and store it in x2
      pop the top value from the evaluation stack and store it in x1
      if item's data is "+" then push x1 + x2 onto the evaluation stack
      otherwise, if item's data is "-" then push x1 - x2 onto the evaluation stack
      otherwise, if item's data is "*" then push x1 * x2 onto the evaluation stack
      otherwise, if item's data is "/" then push x1 / x2 onto the evaluation stack
      otherwise, if item's data is "%" then push x1 % x2 onto the evaluation stack
      otherwise, if item's data is "^" then push Math.pow(x1, x2) onto the evaluation stack
  3. print out "Result: " and then the top of the evaluation stack
  4. pop the top of the evaluation stack
  5. if the evaluation stack is not empty, then print out an error message

Sample run

Enter an expression to evaluate (or QUIT to exit)
Program is in DEBUG mode

Enter expression: (5+2) * (.3 - -3.3)
Infix queue:
1: open parenthesis
2: operand (5)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (2)
5: close parenthesis
6: oper (*), 2, true
7: open parenthesis
8: operand (.3)
9: oper (-), 1, true
10: operand (-3.3)
11: close parenthesis
Postfix queue:
1: operand (5)
2: operand (2)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (.3)
5: operand (-3.3)
6: oper (-), 1, true
7: oper (*), 2, true
Result: 25.199999999999996

Enter expression: ( 6     + 2.3)  ) -1
Error: ( 6     + 2.3)  ) -1

Enter expression: ( 6     + 2.3)   -1
Infix queue:
1: open parenthesis
2: operand (6)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (2.3)
5: close parenthesis
6: oper (-), 1, true
7: operand (1)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (6)
2: operand (2.3)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (1)
5: oper (-), 1, true
Result: 7.300000000000001

Enter expression: 3 +-.78*((2++14.9   * 3.)^(3+(2*5)))
Infix queue:
1: operand (3)
2: oper (+), 1, true
3: operand (-.78)
4: oper (*), 2, true
5: open parenthesis
6: open parenthesis
7: operand (2)
8: oper (+), 1, true
9: operand (+14.9)
10: oper (*), 2, true
11: operand (3.)
12: close parenthesis
13: oper (^), 3, false
14: open parenthesis
15: operand (3)
16: oper (+), 1, true
17: open parenthesis
18: operand (2)
19: oper (*), 2, true
20: operand (5)
21: close parenthesis
22: close parenthesis
23: close parenthesis
Postfix queue:
1: operand (3)
2: operand (-.78)
3: operand (2)
4: operand (+14.9)
5: operand (3.)
6: oper (*), 2, true
7: oper (+), 1, true
8: operand (3)
9: operand (2)
10: operand (5)
11: oper (*), 2, true
12: oper (+), 1, true
13: oper (^), 3, false
14: oper (*), 2, true
15: oper (+), 1, true
Result: -3.9193500190982847E21

Enter expression: 7.8 + -3.0001
Infix queue:
1: operand (7.8)
2: oper (+), 1, true
3: operand (-3.0001)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (7.8)
2: operand (-3.0001)
3: oper (+), 1, true
Result: 4.799899999999999

Enter expression: (5 + 3.4) * 2
Infix queue:
1: open parenthesis
2: operand (5)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (3.4)
5: close parenthesis
6: oper (*), 2, true
7: operand (2)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (5)
2: operand (3.4)
3: oper (+), 1, true
4: operand (2)
5: oper (*), 2, true
Result: 16.8

Enter expression: * * 7)
Error: * * 7)

Enter expression: 8 * 7)
Error: 8 * 7)

Enter expression: (3 + 2
Error: (3 + 2

Enter expression: 9 ---7
Error: 9 ---7

Enter expression: 9--7
Infix queue:
1: operand (9)
2: oper (-), 1, true
3: operand (-7)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (9)
2: operand (-7)
3: oper (-), 1, true
Result: 16.0

Enter expression: 2^3^3
Infix queue:
1: operand (2)
2: oper (^), 3, false
3: operand (3)
4: oper (^), 3, false
5: operand (3)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (2)
2: operand (3)
3: operand (3)
4: oper (^), 3, false
5: oper (^), 3, false
Result: 1.34217728E8

Enter expression: 5 / 0
Infix queue:
1: operand (5)
2: oper (/), 2, true
3: operand (0)
Postfix queue:
1: operand (5)
2: operand (0)
3: oper (/), 2, true
Result: Infinity

Enter expression: quit