Introductory JavaScript
There doesn't seem to be any need to go into JavaScript in-depth on this website since there are so many great tutorials and references already available on the web and we also have a pretty good text filled with realistic JavaScript examples. This website will instead be used to list general topics we will cover during class. The topic list is tentative and may change as the class progresses. Before presenting the introductory topics, a list of available resources is listed so you can access them as needed.
Web Resources
- Support website for the text we are using - Netscape's excellent JavaScript resource and documentation - Microsoft's JavaScript documentation - Mozilla's list of JavaScript scripting resources - Mozilla's list of JavaScript language resources - Web Developer's Virtual Library JavaScript tutorial - Dynamic Drive JavaScript code for download - JavaScript primers from HTML Goodies - Kurt Grigg's JavaScript page
Useful Texts
- JavaScript for the Word Wide Web, Negrino and Smith, Peachpit Press
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th edition, Flanagan, O'Reilly
Introductory JavaScript topics
- what JavaScript is designed for
- other options
- using JavaScript
- embedding
- linking
- hiding code from older browsers
- staying XHTML compatible
- browser compatibility
- variables
- naming
- case sensitivity
- data types
- declaration (var)
- scope
- reserved words (Appendix B of text)
- comments
- operators
- arithmetic:
+ - * / % ++ --
- relational:
== === != !== < > <= >=
- logical:
&& || !
- bitwise:
& | ^ ~ << >> >>>
- assignment:
= += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= >>>= &= |= ^=
- string:
+ < > <= >=
- others:
in instanceof () ?: new delete void , []
- arithmetic:
- statements
- selection
- if
- if/else
- switch
- repetition
- while
- do/while
- for
- for/in
- for
- labels
- break
- continue
- function and return
- object oriented programming
- objects
- properties
- methods
- events
- Document Object Model
- with
- examples
- input/output
- alert(msg), confirm(msg), prompt(msg, default)
- document.write(), document.writeln()
- object-oriented programming
- redirection
- displaying properties of an object
- status bar messages
- input/output