Cascading Style Sheets
CSS Selectors
- p - specifies any p element
- p, h1 - specifies any p element or any h1 element
- p i b - specifies a b element within an i element with a p element
- * - specifies any element
- div > p - specifies a p element that's a child of a div element
- p + b - specifies a b element that is an adjacent sibling of a p element
- .classname - specifies an element using style="classname"
- #idname - specifies an element using id="idname"
Selectors: Named and Contextual Styles
- named styles
- contextual styles
- p {color:green;} sets paragraphs to green
- p em {color:magenta;} sets emphasized text within paragraphs to magenta
- you can also use contextual selection criteria for divisions, classes, etc.
- div p.magentaclass b {font-size:18pt;}
- all bold items within magentaclass paragraphs within a division
will be set to 18 point font
CSS Pseudo-classes
- :link
- :visit
- :hover
- :active
- :focus
- :lang()
- :left
- :right
- :first
- :first-child
CSS Pseudo-elements
- :first-letter
- :first-line
- :before
- :after
Additional Notes
- sometimes you want to specify a particular style for an arbitrary piece
of content that is not marked by tags
- <span></span> takes care of that
- formatting block-level elements
- block-level elements are those that start on a new line
- left margin takes precedence over right margin, which takes
precedence over width
- float works like alignment to right or left margin
- width, margins, border characteristics, padding are not
inherited by child elements
- comments can be placed in style sheets with C-style comments
- float is for aligning child elements within parents
- align-text is for aligning text within an element
- background-image:url(picture.gif)
- interpreted relative to style sheet, not document
- color names:
- aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon,
navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow
Links to CSS samples
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Next: Introductory JavaScript