This assignment involves the creation of a level break report by correctly
implementing the supplied algorithm in Python. The data must be in correct sorted
order for this algorithm to work. The supplied data file has already been put into
the proper sorted order. Your program must read each of the records from the data
file, parse the record into fields, and produce a control break report to a disk
file named cb1rpt.txt. Your report should match the sample report
exactly, including ALL formatting and spacing. Please note that since you are sending
it to a disk file, you will not see the report on the screen when you run the program.
You can view it later by opening it up in a text editor.
The fields for each record are comma separated. The string fields have quote
marks surrounding them. Look at the data file to see a detailed view.
The format of each record is as follows:
- department: string
- employee id: string
- month: integer
- day: integer
- year: integer
- hours: floating point number
The data file needed for this assignment is located at: