Table of Contents
Appendix J: Analysis of Existing Course Materials
- textbooks: acceptable, and this course is required to use them
- student data files: exist, no modification needed
- syllabus: required to follow existing syllabus closely, but with modifications to schedule,
assignments, grading, and some details
- schedule:
- assignments: some of the Office application exercises exist and will be modified somewhat, but
many new assignments will have to be constructed, especially for the discussion forums
- discussion forums/questions: do not exist, but textbook publisher has usable material
- online quizzes: currently exist, but will have to be modified to save space on the server
- lecture notes: poor outlines of lecture notes exist but will have to be converted from
PowerPoint to a more accessible format - new lecture notes should be created as time permits;
publisher supplied lecture notes are inadequate
- links to external resources: do not exist, will be added over time
- glossary: exists to some extent (publisher supplied), but should be improved
- exams: the existing exams will be used for consistency since on-site testing has been required by the CIS department
- final project: some of the existing final projects will work well
- rubrics: some of the existing rubrics will work with modification, other rubrics will
have to be created from scratch
- practice exams: do not exist, should not be too difficult to create
- online gradebook: provided by WebCT, has adequate security
- audio lectures: do not exist, will hopefully be added over time
- additional course materials: do not exist, should be added ad time permits
Table of Contents