Table of Contents
Appendix A: Competitive Analysis
Management Information Systems, 7E
Kenneth J. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon
Prentice Hall
- easy navigation
- good division of topics
- arranged by text chapter
- requires powerpoint (fails without text CD-ROM)
- nicely presented course notes
- discussion forums
- poor quality links to external resources
- link to glossary is nice
Exploring Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, Volume II
Grauer and Barber
Prentice Hall
- easy navigation
- good division of topics
- arranged by text chapter
- has audio presentations (RAM format)
- lecture notes reference text pages
- discussion area, but mostly unorganized
- no links to external resources noticed
BCIS 5090 - Syllabus
Introduction to Management Information Systems
University of North Texas
- course not viewable without being enrolled
- assignments mostly discussion forums and projects
- group projects seem to be part of mix
- not much more available to evaluate
Introduction to Management Information Systems and Technology
Dr. George Schell
- course conducted as old-fashioned correspondence course
- materials come directly from text
- seemingly no lecture or discussion
- only activities seem to be projects from text and exams
- main document is in PDF format
Management Information Systems
Notre Dame de Namur University
James Critz, Ph.D.
- this is a hybrid course
- no access available to actual online parts (saw syllabus)
- includes case studies, lab assignments, discussion forums,
exams, and a group project
- it seems as though the main aspect of online education being
used is for online discussion and collaboration
- lecture and text seem to make up the bulk of the course
materials being presented
Management Information Systems
Breyer State University
Daniel Adrian Doss, Ph.D.
- only the syllabus was viewable
- five papers make up the total points for this course
- discussions are mentioned, but do not seem to really fit in
- this is a great example of an instructor and course that
should send chills through those looking into online education
Introduction to Computers
Cerro Coso Community College
Matthew W. Hightower Course Information
- not exactly same subject, but best example using a similar subject area
- online testing has answers written into the source code (I could get
100% without reading the questions)
- nicely done web format lecture notes with relevant external links for
further research
- the grading includes a mix of discussions, exams, application exercises,
quizzes, and article summaries
Management Information Systems
University of Central Florida
Robert Szymanski
- no access to most of online course (just syllabus and schedule)
- grading is based on 12 exams, 1 assignment, and 2 discussions
- both applications and MIS concepts are covered each week
- it appears that there is very little online content
Project-Based Information Systems
University of Massachusetts
Jon Forsyth
- very little is accessible online without being a student
- a student-created presentation (PowerPoint) makes up 50% of
the course point total
- no mention is made of discussion or any online activity
MIS Capstone - (Practicum Project)
University of Illinois Springfield
Apiwan D. Born
- this is a website for a practicum project to develop an online MIS course
- exams are not included as part of the grading
- accessibility is hindered by having only images for navigation in one section
- students are expected to take turns leading discussions
- clear rubrics are posted
- color is used poorly in some areas
Information Systems Management
Drexel University
Dr. Susan Gasson
- this is a hybrid course
- many course materials accessible
- resources provided in web document (X/HTML) format
- course materials written with a sense of humor
- PowerPoint presentations of lectures are available
Table of Contents