
Smiley Co. is proud to announce a number of new products for the home. Our researchers are always throwing something up on the altar of consumerism to see what sells. The following list is just a few of the new items we are hoping to foist upon unwary shoppers in the coming months:

Customer Service

Our employees are always ready to help. Just give us a call. If you prefer mail, then please feel free to write. You can even page us 24 hours a day. If you wish to reach us by email, just send your comments, suggestions, and accolades to

About Smiley Co.

Smiley Co. has been producing fine products for the consumer for over six months. In that time, not a single lawsuit has been successfully brought to a conclusion against this innovative company. We fully expect to have our stock re-listed on an exchange somewhere within the next few years. Until then, anyone who wishes to invest in this "sure thing" should send a check made out to our treasurer, who will promptly send back the appropriate number of shares of stock. Our treasurer is Roland Inda Cash, so you can just make the checks out to "Cash" and we'll get the money.