Sgt Roman F. Klick 36620923
HS 1393 Engr APO 709
c/o PM SF Cal
6 August 1944


Hello Angel Face:

Cute salutation, don't you think: (or do you?) Well, I think its better than "Dear Corn-fed Mrs Boyer." Anyhow, I was more than glad to get your 4 V-mails yesterday, even if you need a new ribbon on that typewriter of yourn. Maybe it was the fault of the machine that photos the letters, but the print was very, very light. Well thanks anyhow, for putting it all in capitals for grandma. It keeps me from becoming bug-eyed. I need my eyes right now for my Red Cross work. Oh! by the way, I don't think I told you that I've joined the R.C. Three Days a week & 6 hrs a day I make surgical dressings. Now, I didn't join because I'm money mad or anything like that, because its all volunteer work & not one red cent do we get. We even have to buy our lunches & pay our own carfare, but seriously, I thought it would be just one fine way to help, instead of just sitting idly by, on the side lines waiting for our boys to come back. Just think some day you may cut your finger or break a leg or two & one of my little bandages may set it right for you again. Don't you think that's wonderful? All kidding aside, Ro, I hope you'll never have to use any of our bandages, or anyone elses; but I do feel proud of the crosses I've earned. Seventy-two hrs work for the little cross for our head dress & 144 hrs for a larger cross for our uniforms. When you see a lady with her red crosses on her uniform you may be sure she earned them, they weren't just given to her. 288 hrs for a bar on the sleeve & so on up to 1000 hrs a citation. Well, so much for the Red Cross.

Tell me, now, confidentially, what gives with this sister-in-law & brother-in-law business between you & Bob. His add, in case he hasn't told you yet is, 161st A.A.F. BU Camp Springs AF Washington 20 DC . It's a new air field just being built for the permanent protection of the capital.

So, it was a revelation to you that I knew about your little L. Turner. (And me, the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter.)

Cheerio --- keep well, Ro.

Mrs. Boyer

She also enclosed a clipping about a Lt Fajfar, the son of the owner of the house they lived in on 56th Ct.