Cpl Roman F. Klick 36620923
Co "A", 353rd Engr Regt
A.P.O. #502, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Aunty Clara,

Boy o boy, there just can't be any doubt about Larry loving his wife because if he has told me the story of his meeting her and finally marrying her, he has told it to me seven or eight times. It is a long story which lasts anywhere from an hour to all evening and I just haven't the heart to tell the fellow that it is the umpteenth time he has recited it to me once again so I let him go on and on. He can lead up to that topic from any conceivable discussion you can think of but once he gets on that tale he sticks to it religiously. All people are like that, is that they have a story they love to retell, and I only know too well that I am no exception to that rule; so I'll just have to forgive and forget.

I listened to the news broadcast at six o'clock this evening but there was nary a mention of the baseball game. I think that in the case of the World Series the soldiers all over the world would rather forget about the war news for one night and listen to a brief summary of the game. As it is, I just know that the Yanks are rumored to have won the game. Later on in the evening towards eight o'clock they began setting up the loud speaker system in the big tent and I thought for sure they were going to hook up a radio to it so that a whole bunch of fellows could sit and listen to the rebroadcast. There was no such luck, however, as it was Company D rehearsing for the variety show they will put on the stage tomorrow night.

The mail came in thick and heavy today and Larry and I had to wait thru a mail call lasting almost a half an hour only to find out that we didn't get any. But who am I to complain because on days when there is just a handful of mail, I am usually one of the luckier fellows. Speaking of mail, John T. Edie has been talking of the Daily Times which was supposed to have to have been sent to him for over a month and they finally came today. From now on I'll at least have the Times to look at after he is finished reading it. It seems funny to see that they have finally filled up their paper with want ads after having held off from it for so long. In a small tabloid like that the want ads are more noticeable and more annoying than in a full sized paper which comes in sections.

I slept well last night having taken great care in tucking in all the blankets, mattress covers (no mattress to go with it), and the shelter half and then fixing the mosquito net all around the bed. I got to bed early last night and in the morning I woke up feeling like a million dollars instead of having that tired feeling and a longing for those extra winks. Although I could have very easily remained I bed all day because it was one of those days you like to stay inside reading or sleeping.

Speaking of mosquitoes, did you ever notice how they take off? A fly sort of zooms something on the order of an airplane while a mosquito darts almost straight up like a helicopter. Boy but those flies are the pests. They land on the back of your neck while you're typing and you have to stop typing to flick them away. By the time you get your fingers back on the keys the fly has landed on your neck once again.

I've been reading several articles in the Life magazine and a Saturday Evening Post lately. We even dug up in one of the office tents, a Parade. That's the magazine which is run in the Chicago Sun. By the way, does the Chicago Sun still exist as a paper? Has it grown stronger or weaker? You'll always see the Trib, the News or the Times laying around the day rooms in the companies but you'll never find an American or a Sun. That alone is one of the best tests to see how popular a paper really is. If the soldiers think enough of a paper to have it sent overseas, it must be a little better than average.

It is only fifteen to nine right now and with nothing else on schedule I think I'll try to hit the hay early again.

/s/ Roman