Camp White, Oregon
9 February 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

I was in town last night.

I received a wristwatch by airmail before breakfast this morning.

I received a box of fudge and a writing kit from Fialas.

I received a box of nuts from Aunty Stella.

I had Lt. Hanton awful awful peeved at me last night also concerning whether I was a company clerk or a personnel clerk. He won.

I haven't much time to write this as you can see.

I sent out Valentines to 7 people.

I also sent out 1 birthday card.

I received letters from Mary Kuehnle, George Prokopec and Aunt-Aunt just before I left for town.

I went and spent all my money and then some yesterday in town.

I don't think I'll bother getting a hunting knife or a flashlight as they have requested us to do.

I tried to get more Listerine Tooth Powder but they just don't have that around these parts.

I spent one last time in a library when I stepped in the Medford library and studied up on Oregon.

I found out that we are in the Klamath mountains of the Cascade chain which merge into the Sierra Nevadas.

I was right when I thought there was something peculiarly huge about those mountains to the South --- they are the beginnings of the Sierra Nevada chain.

I discovered Medford was and is the fourth largest city in Oregon with its 12,000 people.

I know I have a tremendous amount of work to do today so

so long
/s/ Roman

Start digging in at the post office every once in a while to pick yourself up a supply of V-mail --- it's free (the forms) you will need it soon.


I already have 9 forms saved up.