Camp White, Oregon
5 February 1943

Dear Aunty Clara:

I received the package of tooth powder, notebooks and pencils today. Thanks for the clippings they were packed in. By the way, did I ever thank you for those last Sunday Times jokes? Well then, consider yourself thanked.

Another day of night work. It is now ten bells or after and here I am first sitting down to a typewriter for my personal mail. During the course of the day, however, I managed to write a letter to the other Cicero Klicks and to Bob Hesser.

For a while I thought I wasn't going to get any letters today and finally at 5:00 I got one from you. Then, to my utter surprise, I received two more thru the company. One was from Arguelles and the other was a card which I enclose.

Contents received and noted and past contents in question also have been received.

Yes, Mr. Drews does carry on a nice conversation over the phone. He is another of the talkative type who would stop at our desks for an hour or two and just keep it up.

* * *

That _______ (I wish I could swear) _______ company of mine sends down a batch of perfectly senseless work and they expect me to do it at this time of the night. Nuts! Blumenfeld brought it up so I let him do it. This nonsense about working 24 hours a day is too much. They expect me to actually be a company clerk. I work for Personnel --- not Company A.

My mouth is watering in anticipation of the dates both stuffed and unstuffed which you report as being on the way in the present or near future.

Yes, I well remember the incident back in good old Morton Junior when after a slight fever (and I had run a temperature this time too) my relapse went into an eye cold.

That paper idea is a good one. The more paper the better once you start using the stuff without replenishing the supply, it disappears like nobody's business.

* * *

Well, well, well. Now Private Harvey has come up from Company A. I put him alongside Blumenfeld and both of them are working now.

I'm forgetting the idea of sending home an O.D. uniform. I have a hunch I will not care to wear a soldier's uniform very much. Give me the good old saddles, a striped shirt and a loafer coat with pants to match.

Ever since the rifle range the weather has been spectacularly mild and unchanging. The fellows are leaving their field jackets in the barracks and walking around in their shirt sleeves once again. Our winter is over.

So long,
/s/ Roman

P.S. - Feb 6 - I meant to add more this morning but whew --- are we busy!!!!