CIS 150 Final Exam Topics Spring 2017

    documentation comments
    correct indentation
    spaces instead of tabs
    including libraries
    "using" statment
    declare and assign values to variables
    declare and assign values to constants
    use selection
    use repetiton
    declaring a class/struct
    defining a class/struct
    making members private or public
    write a constructor (both default and with parameters)
    write a mutator function
    write an accessor function
    create an object

    iterate through an array
    access elements of an array
    create an array of objects

    create a function prototype
    write a function
    send values to a function
    return a value from a function
    use an object as a function parameter
    perform basic input
    perform basic output
    calculate a sum or average using an accumulator
    specify output formatting (fixed, showpoint, setprecision)