CIS 119 - JavaScript Course Introduction



  1. review syllabus (online)
  2. browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) available free on web (we will mostly be using Chrome and Firefox)
  3. set up accounts on kermit for posting assignments
  4. required text: JavaScript, 2nd edition by Delamater (Murach)
  5. recommended text: Understanding ECMAScript 6 by Zakas (No Starch Press)
  6. recommended text: JavaScript by Negrino and Smith (Peachpit Press)
  7. recommended text: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan (O'Reilly)
  8. up-to-date and comprehensive resources for JavaScript can be found on the Web
  9. review resources available on Desire2Learn
    1. discussion
    2. email
    3. gradebook
  10. review resources available on course web site
    1. syllabus
    2. links to resources
    3. assignments
    4. online notes
    5. due dates
    6. exam review materials