/* CIS 260 2/16/2005 David Klick This text file shows two source code files and the commands that were used to create a packaged class in Java. */ ----- class being built as part of package ----- package com.klickfamily.silly; public class Banner { public static void print() { System.out.println("Klickfamily.com now fourteenth most visited site on the Internet"); } } ----- class using Banner class from package just created ----- import com.klickfamily.silly.Banner; public class TestBanner { public static void main(String[] args) { Banner.print(); } } ----- check the classpath ----- >echo %CLASSPATH% c:\Sun\AppServer\jdk\jre\lib;. ----- compile class to proper directory ----- >javac -d . Banner.java >javac TestBanner.java >java TestBanner Klickfamily.com now fourteenth most visited site on the Internet