

  • Use XMLHttpRequest to update a page


This assignment involves Ajax. Use jQuery to do the Ajax requests.

Create a drop-down list to select a month (1 through 12), a textbox to enter a year, and a button to click to "Get calendar". When the button is clicked, the page should send an XMLHttpRequest to a script using the GET method. The URL should be:
where the ## are filled in by the numbers in the list and text box, respectively.

Whatever is returned from the request should be displayed, centered, below the listbox, text field, and button (which should also be centered). You should display the returned message as preformatted text (so newlines actually act like newlines and the font is fixed width). If there is an error, then display an error message where the returned text would normally go.

Server code for getcal.php


Calendar example
Calendar example

Programming note

You can't just run this on your browser. You need to be using a server that has PHP active for the PHP code to run. You can use something like XAMPP on Windows to make your local machine function like a server with PHP, MySQL, etc.


  • 0 pts: HTML file has proper documentation comments and follows style conventions [although this adds 0 points to the total, mistakes of this type at this point in the course will still deduct points from the total.]
  • 5 pts: HTML file follows template given in notes (HTML5, separate CSS and JS files, CSS reset, etc.)
  • 5 pts: program correctly gets value from list box
  • 5 pts: program correctly gets value from text box
  • 10 pts: GET request is sent properly
  • 5 pts: page loads and displays calendar correctly when received
  • 10 pts: calendar formatting matches example, with components centered on the page, days lined up in columns properly, etc.