Turing Machine Simulator

Enter states into input area in the following format: current_state:symbol_read:new_state:symbol_written:direction. Note that colons are used as delimiters. If you want to use a different delimiter, make it the first character in that particular line. A missing symbol_written indicates that the symbol read is left unchanged. A missing direction defaults to right. A missing new_state indicates that the current state will not be changed. Multiple characters in symbol_read indicate that this rule is valid for any one of those characters. See the sample programs for examples. By default, the Turing Machine will always start in the current_state given in the first rule. The final state should always be "halt". All tapes that you enter start at position 0. Use the start position to change where the machine starts on the tape. Rules that are blank or start with a colon (:) are skipped as comments. The special direction 'S' (for "Stop") allows you to enter the HALT state without moving the tape. Since you only see 10 characters in front of and beyond the current cell on the tape, you may not be able to see your complete answer.

Rules:Initial Tape:
Tape start
(0 = far left):




Tape: |