HTML and CSS Quiz

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  1. HTML stands for _____________   _____________   _____________. Answer Hypertext Markup Language
  2. XHTML stands for _____________   _____________   _____________   _____________. Answer Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
  3. CSS stands for _____________   _____________   _____________. Answer Cascading Style Sheets
  4. Short answer

  5. What is HTML used for? Answer To describe the content of a web page so a browser can display it.
  6. What is CSS used for? Answer To specify styling for a web page.
  7. Write an HTML comment that contains the name of this course. Answer <!-- CIS 115 Internet Fundamentals -->
  8. Write the HTML code for a paragraph that contains the name of Chicago's NFL football team. Answer <p>The Chicago Bears</p>
  9. Write the HTML code for a large heading (h1 element) which displays the college's name. Answer <h1>Kishwaukee College</h1>
  10. Write the HTML code for a link which goes to the URL when the user clicks on the text: Cartoon Answer <a href="">Cartoon</a>
  11. Write the HTML code to display an image stored in the file: landscape.jpg Answer <img src="landscape.jpg">
  12. Write the HTML code for a starting "div" tag with the class "intro". Answer <div class="intro">
  13. Write the HTML code for a starting "h3" tag with the id "extra". Answer <div id="extra">
  14. Write a CSS rule that will set the font-family property of all h1 elements to monospace. Answer h1 { font-family: monospace; }
  15. Write a CSS rule that will set the color property of all elements with a class of blue to #0000ff. Answer .blue { color: #0000ff; }
  16. Write a CSS rule that will set the text-indent property of all p elements with an id of first to 5em. Answer p#first { text-indent: 5em; }
  17. Write the HTML code for an ordered list that contains the following two items: "CIS", "115". Answer <ol><li>CIS</li><li>115</li></ol>
  18. Write the HTML code for an unordered list that contains the following two items: "CIS", "115". Answer <ul><li>CIS</li><li>115</li></ul>
  19. What language is usually used in a web browser to make a web page dynamic? Answer JavaScript