CIS 115 - Searching the web

Assignment details: Searching the Web

Use the web to find the answers to the following questions. Submit a text document with the question numbers, the answers, and the URLs where you found the answers to the questions. Do not forget to include the URLs in your answers. Each basic answer is worth one point, and each URL is worth one point. The URLs have to be specific web pages - NOT something generic like

  1. Who was the first president of the United States born in New York City? (2 points)
  2. According to the movie "Back to the Future Part II", in what year are the Chicago Cubs supposed to win the World series? (2 points)
  3. What is the current name of the product that was originally named Baby Gays? [Note: This is NOT a question involving sexual orientation.] (2 points)
  4. What is the farthest away from Krakatoa that the 1883 eruption was heard? (2 points)
  5. When did the "year without a summer" occur? (2 points)
  6. Where did the United States Air Force accidentally drop a nuclear bomb in 1961 (which came close to detonating)? (2 points)
  7. What group won the only Grammy award ever given out for "Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance Vocal or Instrumental"? (2 points)
  8. What was the name of the first video posted on YouTube? (2 points)
  9. In what year was the first email message sent? (2 points)
  10. What was the first domain name ever registered? (2 points)
  11. On what day did the very first website go online? (2 points)
  12. In what year was the first item sold on eBay (which was called AuctionWeb back then)? (2 points)
  13. What was the very first item sold on eBay (which was called AuctionWeb back then)? (2 points)
  14. What was the very first book sold on Amazon? (2 points)
  15. What font was created for (but not used by) the failed Microsoft Bob operating system/application? (2 points)