CIS 115 - Using Internet Tools

Assignment details

This assignment requires you to use a number of networking utilities on your local computer to find some networking information. It also requires you to remotely log in to a Linux server and perform some basic tasks. You should create a text report (.txt format) to submit to the Desire2Learn Dropbox. A text editor such as Scite or Notepad would be a good choice for creating a text document. Word is not the best choice since it wants to apply formatting. Don't forget to include your name, the course, the date, and the assignment number at the top of the report.

  1. Open a command prompt window (Windows) or terminal (Linux or Mac) for the following steps:
    1. Use the ipconfig (Windows) or ifconfig (Linux or Mac) command and report on what the IPv4 address of your local machine is. (3 points)
    2. Use the ping command to get the IP address of the server at Report what IP address you found. (3 points)
  2. Log in to your account on the Linux server using SSH. You can use PuTTY.exe to do this from a Windows machine. Once you are logged in, do the following:
    1. Use the ifconfig command and report on the IPv4 address (inet addr) you find for interface eth0. (2 points)
    2. Use the ifconfig command and report on the IPv4 address (inet addr) you find for interface eth1. (2 points)
    3. Use the ifconfig command and report on the IPv4 address (inet addr) you find for interface lo (the loopback address). (2 points)
    4. Run the command traceroute Copy and paste the results from that command to your report. (4 points)
    5. Copy, uncompress, and read a message (8 points)
      • Use the following command to copy a compressed file into your current working directory so you can work on it:
        cp ~dklick/examples/msg.bz2 .
      • Run the following command to uncompress the file you just copied:
        bunzip2 msg.bz2
      • Run the following command to display the file you just uncompressed:
        cat msg
      • Write down on your report where the text message came from and the date. That is contained in the message as the last two lines.
    6. Run the date command. Copy and paste what it displayed into your report. (3 points)
    7. Run the uptime command. Copy and paste what it displayed into your report. (3 points)

How to copy from PuTTY.exe

To copy from a PuTTY window, just click and drag your mouse cursor over the text you want to copy to select it. That automatically copies it. You do NOT have to do anything else. Then switch to your text editor on your local machine and paste in the normal manner for that editor. Usually, right clicking and selecting paste works.